Kids Art Books


Are you overwhelmed by all those construction paper, glitter-covered treasures your kids bring home from school? 

If you have children it’s a common problem we share... their artwork is everywhere.

I have great news for you! I can help you keep the memories and not all the clutter. Let me turn all that treasured art into an ART BOOK for everyone to enjoy. They also make a great gift for grandparents and friends!

Pssst... this also means you don't have to save every thing they create without feeling guilty!

Don't know what to include? Paintings, drawings, cards, little notes, scrap books, cut-outs, collages, potter and colouring book pages. All of the things that reflect your child and how they have loved to create over the years.

Books can be as little as 10 pages and as many as 350 pages! You can make a book for each year or one BiG book for 5 years!

*pricing depends on number of pieces being photographed so please get in touch